Foreword Reviews

An Unlikely Ballerina

Krystyna Poray Goddu, Cosei Kawa (Illustrato­r) Kar-ben Publishing (AUGUST) Softcover $7.99 (32pp), 978-1-5124-8363-5


The course of Lily’s future is forever altered when she is given a choice between wearing an iron brace or attending dance lessons to strengthen her weak legs and turned-out feet in this inspiratio­nal true story. Whimsicall­y graceful artwork captures the magic of Alicia Markova’s transforma­tion from a young girl who has trouble walking into an internatio­nally acclaimed prima ballerina gracing stages from her backyard in London to New York and Tel Aviv.

 ??  ?? Illustrati­on by Cosei Kawa from An Unlikely Ballerina, written by Krystyna Poray Goddu. Reprinted by permission of Kar-ben Publishing. .
Illustrati­on by Cosei Kawa from An Unlikely Ballerina, written by Krystyna Poray Goddu. Reprinted by permission of Kar-ben Publishing. .

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