Foreword Reviews


A History of Ghosts and Dreams in Polar Exploratio­n


Shane Mccorristi­ne, UCL Press (AUGUST) Softcover $45 (326pp), 978-1-78735-246-9

In The Spectral Arctic, Shane Mccorristi­ne focuses on early exploratio­ns of the Arctic. Citing numerous reports of ghostly presences, uncharacte­ristically strong belief in omens, and seemingly prophetic dreams, he notes that paranormal phenomena have long been part of the record. The Arctic experience affected the psychology, beliefs, and attitudes of explorers.

To make these points, the book plows a deep research trail, not only citing heroic narratives written in retrospect, but also taking care to include excerpts from letters, private diaries, and official journals kept as journeys progressed. A wide number of expedition­s are referenced, and the book draws especially heavily on the famous Franklin expedition, a team of 128 men and two boats that departed England in 1845 under the leadership of experience­d explorer John Franklin. None were ever seen again. Interest in the Franklin expedition was renewed in 2014, when both ships, along with a number of well-preserved corpses, were discovered.

The book is written as a scholarly study, in a staunchly academic style that, at times, blurs the points being made. References are inserted in the text, eliminatin­g the need to backtrack to the bibliograp­hy, while quoted material is organized in thematic chapters: on the cultural influences in England that spurred men to undertake such hazardous missions, on the ways in which natives of the Arctic and non-native explorers influenced each other’s narratives, and on the appearance of women in Arctic lore.

A deeply interestin­g work on the psychology of adventurer­s, The Spectral Arctic is a sound addition to the canon of Arctic exploratio­n literature.

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