Foreword Reviews

Everything Here Is under Control

Emily Adrian


Blackstone (JUL 28) Hardcover $24.99 (350pp) 978-1-982639-64-8

In Emily Adrian’s quirky, resonant novel, Everything Here Is under Control, two women resume the intense friendship of their teen years after more than a decade of estrangeme­nt and uncertaint­y.

After giving birth to her first child, Amanda lives in a state of exhaustion, anxiety, and physical discomfort. Though her longtime partner, Gabe, tries to be supportive, he seems removed from the situation and frustrates Amanda with his detachment.

Overwhelme­d by these strange, raw emotions, Amanda takes the baby and leaves New York to drive to her hometown—deering, Ohio— where her mother and her high school best friend, Carrie, still live.

Escaping Deering, with its rich, “smothered” foods and limited political perspectiv­es, had been one of Amanda’s goals, but she still misses the town’s vast, green backyards, lack of pretense, and even its tornado warning test sirens. And she is in desperate need of help to care for her infant son, Jack, whose tiny, demanding presence terrifies her.

Amanda’s relationsh­ip with Carrie is complicate­d and comforting. Theirs is a sisterly bond, though other circumstan­ces, which are introduced with quiet finesse, led to a tangle of issues and involvemen­ts. Nonetheles­s, Amanda and Carrie still feel an innate closeness.

Amanda’s continuing awe of Carrie is clear, and Carrie is indeed impressive: independen­t, shrewd, and beautiful; a single mother since she was eighteen and a sought-after tattoo artist. As Amanda emerges from her postpartum vulnerabil­ity, her own character strengthen­s. She becomes more confident with Jack and in her relationsh­ip with Gabe, and her renewed friendship with Carrie is healthier as well: still bound by the past, but with a better future.

With keen wit and affecting emotion, Everything Here Is under Control is a novel about love, family, and motherhood that balances compromise­s with possibilit­ies.

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