Horse & Rider

Travel Papers: Nuisance or Necessity?


Learn how equine-travel documents protect your horse and get answers to commonly asked

questions for equine-travel requiremen­ts.

Iwas digging through a box of papers the other day and came across a report I’d written in sixth grade: “EIA: Is Test and Slaughter the Answer?” I still remember writing the report, pondering the dilemma, and looking for solutions. I somehow grasped the importance of controllin­g the spread of a terrible, fatal disease in horses. That was 1972.

Fast-forward to today. I’ve been a practicing veterinari­an for 30 years. And in that 30 years, I’ve never seen a positive Coggins test, the blood test that detects a horse’s antibodies to equine infectious anemia (EIA).

How can that be? Because, in fact, testing and “lifetime quarantine” did prove to be the answer. Does that mean EIA has been eradicated completely? No. But that does mean it’s been pretty well controlled—largely because of mandatory testing required for horses transporte­d across state lines.

Considerin­g the low risk of your horse contractin­g EIA, you might find yourself frustrated by the requiremen­ts for Coggins testing and a veterinary inspection to travel to horse shows, equine events, and trail-riding destinatio­ns. It might seem like a waste of time and money to pursue an already-expensive hobby. After all, there’s nothing to prevent your horse from getting sick after the inspection and before you hit the road. And half the time, no one checks your papers anyway.

You might not realize that those health papers serve a bigger purpose than simply “granting you permission” to travel with your horse. In fact, they’re one of the most important tools officials have for eradicatin­g equine diseases, preventing new diseases from gaining a foothold in the country, and tracking and controllin­g outbreaks.

Here, I’ll answer common questions about equine-travel requiremen­ts—not only what they are but also why they matter. In the end, you’ll begin to understand the essential role those requiremen­ts play in protecting not only your own horse but also horses everywhere.

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