Houston Chronicle

Feed your plants and kill bugs at the same time.

- Heloise@heloise.com Heloise P.O. Box 795000 San Antonio, TX 78279 King Features Syndicate Rhonda P., Lodi, Calif.

Dear Heloise:

I have an old home recipe for outside plants that works to kill bugs while feeding the plants. It’s simple and easy to use with a spray bottle that hooks up to a hose. Mix together: • One small can of beer • 5 tablespoon­s of liquid dishwashin­g detergent (or baby shampoo)

• 2 tablespoon­s of commercial plant food in liquid or powder form

Once this is in the spray bottle and attached to the hose, water your plants as usual. The soap kills bugs, but not plants.

 ??  ?? HELOISE

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