International Artist

The Color of Light


We want light that looks real not pasty. If the source of light is yellow (sun) then the surface receiving that light will have some yellow. How much depends on the saturation of color on the surface receiving the light and the strength of the light itself. Our girl on the left has a white dress with blue/yellow graphics. The dress shadow will be dominantly blue-grey while the areas exposed to light will be “whitish,” with some yellow. “Whitish” because it’s contaminat­ed by the air particles carrying dust, moisture, etc. The highlight is done in layers. The trick is not to cover the

previous layer with the next one. Start with a value two down from the general value of the highlight. As you advance from the broad foundation highlight through to the last dot highlight, the area covered decreases while the value and thickness increases. The last highlight is small, high value and impasto.

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