
I have a crush on two boys!


Whenever someone makes you uncomforta­ble, you should always tell an adult. Tell one of the other camp leaders or your parents that he makes you uneasy. Explain the situation to them and ask that you don’t

This is a tough one, but at 14-years-old, I think staying friends with both of the guys is better than choosing one of them to date. I didn’t allow any of my kids to date until they were 16-years-old. It is your parent’s choice as to would like to be moved away from her so that you can focus. If the classroom [doesn’t have] assigned seating, let your friend know that you want to better your learning experience and that sitting next to her isn’t helping that. get paired with him anymore. You could even suggest that your [new] counselor be a girl instead of a boy. That should end it. No one should ever make you feel uncomforta­ble. You should be enjoying yourself and having fun! what they are comfortabl­e with, but it’s always better to have friendship­s and get to know someone than to put pressure on yourself to choose a boyfriend. There’s a lot of time in your life to have boyfriends, so right now, I’d just enjoy their friendship­s. Stressing over a question that’s too humiliatin­g to ask? Send it in confidence to J-14’s expert with your

age (name optional!): Life’s Big Questions, c/o

or by email at

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 ??  ?? Cyd and Shelby are
Cyd and Shelby are
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— they can make it through any friendship drama!
▲ — they can make it through any friendship drama!
 ??  ?? J-14, 270 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
J-14, 270 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 lbq@j14.com.

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