Lodi News-Sentinel

City should make do with what it has

- JOHN SLAUGHTERB­ACK BEN COLEMAN letters@lodinews.com.

Editor: Is the recent story “Commission votes to cut maintenanc­e at two Lodi parks” just another clever attempt to condition the public for a 2018 ballot initiative for a sales tax increase?

Jeff Hood described some dire conditions for the park service. A person can preach that the sky is falling, that doesn’t make it so. Government is always looking for ways to increase revenues, which usually means new taxes.

City revenue projection­s have increased: for 2015, $178.8 million (including utilities); for 2016, $190.8 million (including utilities); and for 2017, $203.6 million (including utilities), which is a three-year increase in revenue of $24.7 million.

The Parks and Recreation services, for 2016/2017, has been approved for expenditur­e of $6.3 million.

Park maintenanc­e has nine maintenanc­e workers, one senior facilities maintenanc­e worker, one park supervisor, and one welder/mechanic — that’s a total of 12 employees just for park maintenanc­e.

If Parks and Recreation would just utilize its work force, they should be able to accomplish any work that’s needed.

There are many people who live below poverty, who make do with what they have.

The City of Lodi has a revenue projection of $203.6 million, for the operation and maintenanc­e of the city, and the city should limit its growth within that budget.

We don’t need any new taxes.

Did City Council OK fining of customers?

Who gave the authority for a contractor to fine residents? Or are they more powerful than Lodi City Council and don't need the permission.

At some point every customer will be subject to be fined no mater how careful you are. I hope people will see this as a way for Waste Management to make more money without providing the labor.

We do our best to recycle and separate and Waste Management can do the job with less people doubling their profits. Don’t expect the City Council to address this and defend the people they serve.

I think the pattern has already been set. I hope the citizens remember on election day who does and who doesn't defend the citizens of Lodi. The voices of citizens are being heard less and less and spending more money than received without addressing the future cost.

For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction.

Letters invited

The Lodi News-Sentinel welcomes opinions from its readers. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s address and phone number for internal verificati­on purposes. All letters are subject to editing. Letters from local readers dealing with local issues are given priority. Letters from outside the local area are published at the editor’s discretion. Letters longer than 350 words will be cut to fit or returned to their writers. There is a holding period of 30 days between publicatio­n of letters by the same person unless no other letters are queued. Send letters to P.O. Box 1360, Lodi, CA 95241-1360; or email to

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