Los Angeles Times



“The Brave Bunny”

Ben M. Baglio

A girl named Laura has a bunny named Nibbles. Nibbles is afraid of everything. One day, Nibbles is playing and eats some buttercups. They are poisonous to bunnies. Nibbles gets sick, and Laura has to take him to the veterinari­an.

Do you think Nibbles will be brave and get better?

Reviewed by Kayla, 7 Welby Way Magnet

West Hills

“Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny Book”

Barbara Park

In this funny story, the rich girl in class, Lucille, invites everyone over to the mansion to participat­e in an overthe-top Easter egg hunt that will result in a play date in Lucille’s heated indoor swimming pool.

Lucille wants her boyfriend to win, but Junie B. and her arch nemesis May are ready to pounce, pound and scrabble to get a dip in that pool.

There is a lot of falling down and the kids are none too nice to each other, until Junie B., in a sudden stroke of good judgment, makes a quick decision that saves the day.

I laughed at most of the pratfalls, and the characters are also funny. I recommend this book to readers who like comedy.

Reviewed by Fabiana, 10 Joaquin Miller Elementary


“Bunny Double, We’re in Trouble”

Dan Gutman

In this book about Easter, the guys and Alexia are out to find the special golden egg. Who finds it? Who comes back?

This is a really funny book. Read this book to find out about this special golden egg.

Reviewed by Joselyn, 9 Our Lady of Lourdes


“The Tail of Emily Windsnap”

Liz Kessler

Emily was never allowed to go into the water, but she never knew why. That was until her first day of swim class.

She swims in the water like a natural, then she can’t feel her legs, and they are sticking together, feeling heavy as a rock. She screams as she sinks in the water. Luckily, her swim teacher sees her and takes her out of the water.

When she is out of the water, her legs feel fine. Her instructor says it was a cramp, but Emily knows better. …

Everyone has a secret. Emily’s is a little different. Read the book to find out.

Reviewed by Alondra, 9 Cortez Math and Science School


 ??  ?? ALONDRA illustrate­d her review of “The Tail of Emily Windsnap.”
ALONDRA illustrate­d her review of “The Tail of Emily Windsnap.”

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