Los Angeles Times

Orange County is turning blue

- By Fred Smoller Fred Smoller is a political science professor at Chapman University.

If current voting and registrati­on trends persist in Orange County, the longtime Republican stronghold will support its first Democrat for president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. A victory for Hillary Clinton here will signal that the turning point is near: Democrats soon will be the biggest party in Orange County.

Orange County once had California’s highest percentage of voters registered Republican. As late as 1990, the O.C. GOP held a 22% registrati­on advantage over Democrats. By May 2015, that figure had dropped to 9%. Today it is 5.3%. Even assuming registrati­on slows after the November election, by 2020 Democrats will likely overtake Republican­s, as they already have in Riverside County.

How close is Orange County to turning blue? In the June 7 presidenti­al primary, 55% of the votes cast for president went to the Democratic candidates, while only 44% went to Donald Trump or other Republican­s still on the ballot — a 66,045-vote advantage for the Democrats. In the city of Fullerton, Republican­s have a mere 144 voter registrati­on lead, and it is shrinking. When Fullerton flips, five of Orange County’s seven largest cities, which contain more than half the county’s population, will have Democratic majorities.

For now, Republican­s still dominate local government. The five county supervisor­s are all Republican­s, and the party holds majorities on most city councils, school boards and special districts, especially in the southern part of the county.

Democrats, hampered by lower voter participat­ion, have gained elected office only in fits and starts. But that is starting to change. Under 2002’s California Voting Rights Act, cities with racially polarized voting can be forced to switch from atlarge elections to choosing candidates by district. The change is happening across Orange County: Anaheim, Garden Grove and Fullerton are among the cities adopting district voting this fall. District voting makes it easier for people of color, who are most often Democrats, to win local elected office.

Orange County Republican­s, like the party nationwide, shot themselves in the foot in the face of two demographi­c trends: fewer white voters and more young ones. In the 1990 census, 64% of Orange County was white, and 36% were people of color. Twenty years later, 44% of the county was white, and 56% were people of color.

Latinos are the county’s largest and fastest-growing demographi­c group. Incredibly, O.C. Republican­s began alienating them long before Trump started talking about walls and mass deportatio­ns.

In 1988, the party illegally hired private uniformed guards — some holding signs saying “Non-Citizens Can’t Vote” in English and Spanish — to “monitor” polling places in Santa Ana. Then in 1994, the party championed Propositio­n 187, which would have cut off social services and schools to undocument­ed immigrants. That was thrown out in court, but not before inflaming the Latino community, which in 1996 ended conservati­ve firebrand Bob Dornan’s congressio­nal career and elected Loretta Sanchez to the House.

In 1984, 45% of California Latinos voted for Ronald Reagan. By 2012, 72% voted for Barack Obama. The Republican National Committee did a famous “autopsy” of its loss after 2012 that advocated repairing its broken relationsh­ip with Latinos by embracing comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform. Instead, the party got Trump calling Mexicans drug dealers, criminals and rapists.

The same 2012 GOP report noted that the party is viewed by voters under 30 as a bunch of “stuffy old men.” Young people view the GOP unfavorabl­y by a ratio of 2 to 1 because of its intoleranc­e of gays and “alternativ­e points of view.” So as white men move away or die, they are being replaced by younger voters who have more progressiv­e views on race relations, gay rights, gun control, and climate change.

Trump, who personifie­s nearly everything the GOP autopsy advocated against, has neverthele­ss been endorsed by the Orange County GOP. No elected Republican Orange County official has renounced him.

Had a more moderate candidate won the nomination, such as John Kasich, Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush, and followed the RNC’s recommenda­tions, these trends may have been slowed. Instead, Trump has accelerate­d the demise of the Republican majority here, and elsewhere.

Election day will be a sign of things to come. Orange County, known nationwide as a bastion of conservati­sm, will vote for a Democrat and turn blue on a U.S. election map for the first time in 80 years.

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