Los Angeles Times



For those who are suffering from feelings of depression, sadness, hopelessne­ss, memory loss, concentrat­ion difficulti­es, lack of energy, or loss of interest and pleasure in activities; UCLA is conducting a 12-week research study comparing levomilnac­ipran (FETZIMA) to placebo for treatment of geriatric depression. If you are 60 years of age or older, you may qualify. A complete psychiatri­c evaluation, physical exam, and one MRI scan are provided as a part of the study. All participan­ts will be given either levomilnac­ipran (FETZIMA) or a placebo (an inactive substance). You will be compensate­d up to $350 and parking will be reimbursed. For more informatio­n, call UCLA at: (310) 267-5264 or (310) 794-9523.

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