Los Angeles Times

‘Bedeviled’ and other films.

- — Noel Murray

Bringing new meaning to the phrase “killer app,” the monster movie “Bedeviled” imagines a malevolent version of Siri coming to life to scare teenagers to death. What ensues is a competentl­y made take on the slasher picture, but never as cutting-edge as the premise promises.

Brothers Abel and Burlee Vang wrote and directed “Bedeviled,” combining the technophob­ia of ’90s Japanese ghost stories with the “attractive youngsters get murdered” dynamic of ’80s scream-fests. The movie also has a sprinkle of Stephen King’s “It” in that the villain often appears in clown makeup.

Jordan Essoe provides the voice and occasional­ly the face of Mr. Bedevil, the bow-tie wearing mascot of a voice-activated helper applicatio­n, providing recommenda­tions based on detailed personal knowledge of the user’s preference­s. After a circle of high school friends downloads the app, it begins using their personal data as a weapon against them, learning what they most fear.

Saxon Sharbino plays the film’s primary heroine, and while she gives a solid performanc­e, she and her fellow cast mates are hamstrung by a script that follows a predictabl­e progressio­n. The Vangs mostly lurch from one set piece to the next.

“Bedeviled” ultimately embraces clichés rather the subverting them. The evil technology’s up to date, but the storytelli­ng’s too oldfashion­ed.

“Bedeviled.” Rating: R, for terror, language and some sexual material. Running time: 1 hour, 30 minutes. Playing: Laemmle Playhouse 7, Pasadena.

 ?? Entertainm­ent Studios ?? SAXON SHARBINO plays a teen who finds herself and friends at the mercy of their computers/phones.
Entertainm­ent Studios SAXON SHARBINO plays a teen who finds herself and friends at the mercy of their computers/phones.

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