Los Angeles Times

Stop resisting water projects


Re “White House pushes for dam project,” March 15

It’s not just the project to raise the Shasta Dam that California doesn’t want. California does not want any water project.

Year after year, California House Republican­s and a few Democrats have been stymied as we have tried to take the long-term view on how to deal with droughts. The lack of planning and foresight to increase water supplies and storage as our population has grown is squarely on the shoulders of California policymake­rs.

More than two-thirds of California voters approved providing billions of dollars for water projects, yet the California Water Commission dithers on approving any. If the Trump administra­tion wants to advance water infrastruc­ture in California, our state should embrace it.

This type of bipartisan­ship was on display two years ago when Sen. Dianne Feinstein joined California House Republican­s and Democrats in passing the most extensive federal water solution to benefit our state in decades. This legislatio­n prioritize­d capturing more water in the rainy season and ensuring that more water surface storage, recycling and desalinati­on projects were approved. It was signed into law by President Obama, and President Trump is trying to implement it now.

By refusing to approve water bond projects and reflexivel­y opposing anything this administra­tion proposes, Sacramento and congressio­nal Democrats are abdicating their responsibi­lity to secure the best water future for California. Rep. Kevin McCarthy

(R-Bakersfiel­d) The writer is the House majority leader.

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