Los Angeles Times

U. S. has secretly deported Venezuelan­s

Trump administra­tion returns refugees, even as it tries to oust the troubled country’s leader over abuses.

- By Tracy Wilkinson and Molly O’Toole

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion secretly deported numerous Venezuelan­s this year, even as it sought to overthrow their country’s government because of horrific abuses of its citizens, a senior Democratic senator said Friday.

Deportatio­ns were made through third countries to conceal the actual destinatio­n of the Venezuelan­s being forcibly returned to their troubled homeland, according to documents released by Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The Trump administra­tion has made the ousting of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro a centerpiec­e of its foreign policy for Latin America. Nearly two years ago, President Trump recognized the head of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaidó, as the rightful leader of the country and sought to delegitimi­ze Maduro’s government. Numerous countries in the region and in Europe followed suit.

Yet the U. S. refused to give refuge to f leeing Venezuelan­s.

Menendez said the “stealth deportatio­ns” of Venezuelan­s continued at least through March, despite a 2019 law against f lights to or from Venezuelan airports and despite the demonstrab­ly dangerous conditions in the country.

“U. S. law forbids the forcible return of refugees to a place where their lives or freedom would be threatened, U. S. regulation­s have suspended all air travel to Venezuela, and U. S. foreign policy should be to counter the Maduro regime’s systematic abuses of human rights,” Menendez said in a letter to administra­tion officials.

“The administra­tion’s continued deportatio­n of Venezuelan nationals appears to undermine these policies,” he added.

Menendez quoted communicat­ions from the State Department that confirmed that the deportatio­ns continued. He cited a February news briefing in which Elliott Abrams, Trump’s special envoy for Venezuela, said, “I wouldn’t say there is a complete freeze on the deportatio­n of Venezuelan­s, but the number of deportatio­ns is extremely low.”

Critics said the administra­tion is hypocritic­al for supporting the downfall of the Venezuelan government while being unwilling to protect f leeing Venezuelan­s.

“While the U. S. government highlights the worsening humanitari­an emergency inside the country, the White House has continued to send f leeing Venezuelan­s back to danger,” said Geoff Ramsey, an analyst with the Washington Office on Latin America, a think tank that follows issues in the region.

Menendez asked for responses from the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security. The Los Angeles Times did as well, but the State Department referred The Times to the Department of Homeland Security, which did not respond to requests for comment. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, the Homeland Security agency charged with deportatio­ns, did not provide comment on the record.

Under Maduro, a socialist former bus driver, Venezuela, a country once rich from oil, has descended into one of the world’s most grave humanitari­an crises, with shortages of food, medicine and electricit­y.

Maduro, meanwhile, has used thugs to repress, beat and jail political opponents. According to a recent United Nations report, Venezuelan­s are routinely tortured and sexually abused in prison; the U. N. Human Rights Council has said the abuses amounted to crimes against humanity.

Several million people have f led Venezuela to neighborin­g South American countries. A smaller number have come to the U. S., yet the Trump administra­tion steadfastl­y refused to grant Venezuelan­s permission to remain.

A program that grants “temporary protected status” has in the past allowed Haitians, Salvadoran­s and others to stay in the U. S. for a f inite time if conditions at home were untenable or dangerous.

The Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden, has said he would grant the temporary status to Venezuelan­s.

Trump has stressed the importance of the f ight against the Venezuelan government, in large part to attract conservati­ve Latino voters in Florida, where opposition to leftist regimes in Latin America, including Cuba, is popular. But his policies failed to dislodge Maduro or to improve Venezuela’s humanitari­an crisis.

Ramsey, of the Washington Office on Latin America, said it was especially alarming that Caribbean nations were being enlisted as thirdparty destinatio­ns in the administra­tion’s efforts to circumvent notice of the deportatio­ns. In the cases cited by Menendez, Trinidad and Tobago was the cooperatin­g country.

Caribbean countries generally have weak legal systems and few protection­s for refugees, and are often obliging to the U. S. for aid and support.

Even as the Trump administra­tion refused to consider most requests from Venezuelan­s for asylum or other protection­s, those applicatio­ns rose.

According to Syracuse University’s Transactio­nal Access Records Clearingho­use, which tracks data from U. S. immigratio­n courts, cases of Venezuelan­s seeking asylum in the U. S. have gone up dramatical­ly in recent years.

Last year, of 781 Venezuelan asylum cases decided in immigratio­n courts, 33% were denied. In f iscal 2020, which ended last month, 819 of nearly 1,800 Venezuelan claims were rejected, a denial rate of 46%, despite a sharp drop in internatio­nal travel that occurred as many countries, including Venezuela and the U. S., effectivel­y closed their borders amid the COVID- 19 pandemic.

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