McDonald County Press

Expert: Fermented Foods Might Be Good For Gut, Overall Health


SPRINGFIEL­D — Fermented foods have become very popular due to their purported health benefits. That leaves many to wonder whether this hot food trend has continued to grow due to the hype, or due to real evidence of health benefits.

“In recent years, we have a much greater understand­ing of microbes that inhabit our gut, and their relation to health and disease,” said Dr. Pam Duitsman, a nutrition specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

These microbes in the human body can help protect humans f rom disease- causing bacteria, help break down fiber and carbohydra­tes to give us energy, make vitamin K and some B vitamins, and influence our health in a variety of ways.

“What we eat has a great impact on this complex microbial community. For example, probiotics contain helpful, viable bacteria that can assist our bodies in balancing our levels of beneficial microbes,” said Duitsman.

Fermented foods can contain great numbers of probiotics, many of which can survive the journey through the digestive tract. Numerous research and clinical studies have investigat­ed the positive impact probiotics, and fermentati­on of foods have on human health.

Reported positive effects on human health range from helping restore normal gut microbiota after taking antibiotic­s, to improvemen­t of gastrointe­stinal disturbanc­es such as constipati­on, diarrhea, and intestinal inflammato­ry conditions such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Evidence suggests that probiotics have positive impacts on inflammati­on, allergies, and autoimmune disorders, and improve immune system function in the body as a whole.

According to Duitsman, probiotics have also been linked to improved brain function, mood, anxiety, hypertensi­on, and even weight management.

Before filling your grocery cart with fermented products, remember that many fermented foods in jars or cans have been pasteurize­d, or cooked at high heat, which kills any probiotics.

“Look for naturally fermented vegetables in the refrigerat­ed section of the grocer such as pickled cucumbers, beets, onions, sauerkraut, salsa and kimchi,” said Duitsman.

The best recommenda­tion is to try incorporat­ing a few fermented foods into your diet. Duitsman offers this list of easy to find and try fermented food products.

Try a spoonful of sauerkraut on your next sausage.

Try kimchi, similar to sauerkraut, with a spicy bolder flavor.

Choose kefir and yogurt as good calcium sources over milk occasional­ly. Check for “live cultures” in yogurt, and avoid those with added sugars, preservati­ves or calories. Both kefir and yogurt are also great in smoothies.

Tr y kombucha, a fermented tea beverage sold in many grocery stores. If you find you like it, you can learn to make this drink at home, with lots of delicious variations.

Miso, a Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, works in sauces, spreads, or soups.

Tempeh, also made from soybeans, has a nutty flavor and is great in stir-fries and soups.

“There is reasonably good evidence that fermented foods might be good for your gut, and your overall health,” said Duitsman.

For more informatio­n on nutrition contact any of these nutrition specialist­s in southwest Missouri: Dr. Pam Duitsman in Greene County at (417) 881-8909; Lindsey Gordon Stevenson in Barton County at (417) 682-3579; Stephanie Johnson in Howell County at ( 417) 256-2391 or Mary Sebade in Dallas County at ( 417) 345-7551. The regional office of the Family Nutrition Education Program is located in Springfiel­d and can be reached at (417) 886-2059. Nutrition informatio­n is also available online

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