Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

A rally against politics of hate and division


If you’ve listened to the rhetoric of the Trump administra­tion over the last 100 days, you’ve probably gotten the impression that our country is being overtaken by immigrants who commit crimes, take jobs from American workers and tax our country’s resources.

Nothing could be further from the truth, but unfortunat­ely this misguided and factually inaccurate depiction of immigrants is perpetuate­d by Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., who recently attempted to bring the 287g program to Milwaukee County (287g is a controvers­ial federal program that turns local law enforcemen­t into federal immigratio­n agents. Federal courts have found that the program contribute­s to a clear pattern and practice of discrimina­tion against Latinos and undermines public safety).

Efforts by the Trump administra­tion or Milwaukee County’s sheriff to use local government and local law enforcemen­t as a tool for mass deportatio­n, state terror and the break-up of families is not supported by a majority of people, or the federal courts, which just ruled that withholdin­g federal funds from sanctuary cities is unconstitu­tional. Public support cuts across party lines and is seen in resolution­s and policies passed at the county and city level, affirmed by more than 38 Wisconsin police chiefs (including Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn) and county sheriffs, and in Milwaukee Public Schools.

On Monday, in more than 100 cities, including Milwaukee, “A Day Without Latinos, Immigrants and Refugees” will occur. On that day, there will be press conference­s, mass protests and strikes that will include a diverse coalition of organizati­ons uniting to stand in solidarity with immigrants and refugees.

The May 1 events highlight the important economic contributi­ons immigrants and refugees make to Wisconsin’s economy. At least 160 small businesses will be closed in solidarity and tens of thousands of workers and their families are expected to participat­e. To close a business or miss a day of work is a sacrifice, but it highlights people’s contributi­ons. For example, the near south side of Milwaukee represents the largest concentrat­ion of Latinos and immigrants and generates the largest contributi­on to the city’s tax base, which supports critical services for all residents.

Since last year’s Day Without Latinos at the state Capitol, dairy farmers and dairy workers have been a strong contingenc­y in these events. Dairy is a $47 billion industry in Wisconsin, worth more to the state than citrus is to Florida or potatoes to Idaho.

Sixty percent of milk production is dependent on immigrant workers. As one dairy farmer put it, “If immigrants go, so does Wisconsin’s dairy industry, and we’ll be importing our milk.” As one in 10 jobs in our state is dependent on the dairy industry, the negative consequenc­es of job loss, business closures and declining tax contributi­ons to local communitie­s will be felt beyond rural areas.

We have already witnessed in states or counties that have passed anti-immigrant measures, the decline in the local and state economy as people sell their homes, crops rot in the fields and businesses close as their customers or workers leave areas in which they feel unwelcomed.

We hope you’ll join us on May 1 to demonstrat­e that immigrants and refugees are welcome here, to stand strongly against the politics of hate and division and to keep our families united and free from fear, and ensure we have a diverse and vibrant community.

Christine Neumann Ortiz is executive director of Voces de la Frontera. For informatio­n on Day Without Latinos, Immigrants and Refugees: visit . The march will begin at noon from Voces de la Frontera, 1027 S. 5th St.

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