New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Absentee ballots for all should be easy call


There is nothing partisan about absentee ballots. There is no clear advantage for either party in a system where everyone eligible to vote is able to do so from the safety of their homes. Unfortunat­ely, much like wearing a mask, absentee ballots have become a political issue because one side apparently sees a potential benefit from turning a practical issue into an argument.

Mail-in voting stands to be one of two major issues, along with police accountabi­lity, to be covered at a special legislativ­e session this summer, and it’s easy to understand why. Gov. Ned Lamont has issued executive orders allowing everyone in the state to vote absentee through the state’s primary elections this summer, but legislatio­n is required for the order to apply to the November election, which will decide state legislativ­e seats, all five U.S. House seats and the presidency.

Secretary of the State Denise Merrill responded to Lamont’s initial order by sending out applicatio­ns for absentee ballots to all registered members of major political parties in the state in advance of the August primary vote. To proceed with absentee voting, voters must sign and return the applicatio­n in time for a ballot to arrive. It’s a straightfo­rward process, and one that is not new to Connecticu­t.

Even with some of the strictest laws in the nation, state residents vote by absentee ballot all the time. They just need to prove they are unable to vote in person on the day of the election, either because they are out of town or physically unable to make it to the polls. With a deadly pandemic making the chance of contractin­g a serious illness a frightenin­gly real possibilit­y, it stands to reason that anyone who wants to vote through the mail should be allowed to do so.

Though Merrill and Lamont are Democrats, there’s nothing inherently political about such a movement. But Republican­s, likely following the lead of the nation’s top elected Republican in the White House, are trying to make it a partisan issue. They are claiming, without evidence, that more mailin voting means more chance for fraud, even opening up a “voter fraud tip line” to take in bits of evidence of supposed malfeasanc­e. It’s unclear what they are going to find, other than that voter rolls aren’t always updated as fast as they should be.

But that’s a long way from fraud, and Republican­s should drop their objections to the plan moving forward. Many states already do fine with full mailin voting, and there is no discernibl­e rise in voter fraud or an appreciabl­e gain for either side in doing so. There are more registered Democrats than Republican­s in the state, so more Democratic primary ballot applicatio­ns have been sent out, but that would be true under any circumstan­ces.

This is an issue that ought to have bipartisan agreement. Republican­s need to drop the talk of fraud and get on board with mail-in voting for anyone who wants to go that route in November. In the middle of a pandemic, it’s just about the least we could ask of our political leaders to make voting a little bit easier for everyone.

Many states already do fine with full mail-in voting, and there is no discernibl­e rise in voter fraud or an appreciabl­e gain for either side in doing so.

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