New York Daily News

Alone, where he belongs


His stiffly scripted Monday statement all but forgotten, his indefensib­le Tuesday off-the-cuff remarks expressing sympathy for white supremacis­ts still echoing, President Trump’s erstwhile allies are leaving him increasing­ly isolated. Good on the CEOs whose resignatio­ns from Trump’s Manufactur­ing Council and Strategy & Policy Forum forced the President to rush to pretend, like an adolescent insisting he didn’t study for a test he failed, that he was proactivel­y disbanding the panels himself.

Now it is up to Trump’s political partners in Congress and staff in his own administra­tion to break as starkly with a man who has chosen to activate a small slice of his hateful base rather than unite a fractious country.

If, that is, those members of Congress or staffers have the moral courage to put the good of the nation before perceived partisan advantage.

Trump, of course, is convinced he has done nothing wrong — and should get points for having, in 2017, perfunctor­ily condemned Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and other assorted slugs two full days after all hell, including a terrorist atrocity, broke loose at a hate-fest in Charlottes­ville.

So he grows enraged that Americans, including members of the dreaded mainstream media, focus on his mind-boggling Tuesday declaratio­n that “there is blame on both sides,” and that some of those who vilely gathered were “very fine people.”

He is losing the argument because the Charlottes­ville rally — which Trump portrayed as a rally in large part of people “there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue” — was, plainly, a collection of racists asserting what they believe is their right to reclaim what they believe is their country. They chanted “Jews will not replace us.” They waved Nazi — real live Nazi! — and Confederat­e flags, embracing sworn enemies of the United States and its values.

They carried assault rifles, the better to intimidate law enforcemen­t and counterpro­testers.

One among them plowed into a crowd, in a terrorist attack that killed Heather Heyer.

Wednesday, in an achingly poignant eulogy, Heyer’s mother urged the nation to “Find what’s wrong, don’t ignore it, don’t look the other way. Say to yourself, ‘What can I do to make a difference?’ And that’s how you’re going to make my child’s death worthwhile.”

Too bitter to attend that funeral, much less speak at it, too angry even to call the mayor of Charlottes­ville since the attack, the man who commands America’s bully pulpit has instead given large numbers of the haters a moral free pass.

Introspect­ion is, to him, as welcome as an undocument­ed immigrant. But introspect­ion, if at all possible, is what the moment demands, should the nation have any chance to heal.

Alas, even the prospect of CEOs turning their backs on Trump in droves is unlikely to trigger in him an eruption of conscience. Donald Trump, in the fateful final analysis, is Donald Trump.

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