New York Daily News

Make world great, Donald


Dear Donald, Hurricane Harvey could be your defining moment; the moment that changes your presidency from the chaotic mess of threats, bitterness and bilious paranoia to one of rationalit­y and reasonable­ness. You, sir, could be the President that saves the planet. There is no denying that our weather is getting more severe, that the oceans are rising, the Arctic ice is melting and hurricanes are wreaking ever-more havoc each time one pummels another part of the country. Harvey has officially brought the most destructiv­e rainfall in our nation’s history — more than 51 inches in some areas of Houston. As many as 42,399 humans are in shelters. Sure they can rebuild, but we’ve seen the horror first hand before. Rebuilding takes decades and sometimes it never happens, despite the fancy talk. Yet in the face of all this, you, Mr. President, have chosen to nominate a climate changedeny­ing partisan politician, Republican Rep. Jim Bridenstin­e (photo), to head NASA. How can you even think of such a man to head the most important nonpartisa­n science, space and aeronautic­al research and developmen­t agency in the country? No, make that the world. As this planet heats up, we have to look to space. That won’t be done if the man heading NASA denies the science and looks down on the truth of what’s happening in our atmosphere. Scientists are in agreement that while climate change might not have caused Harvey, Katrina, Sandy, and other natural disasters, warmer air does hold more moisture and thus has a much greater capacity to make weather events much worse. Harvey, for example, is now being called an unpreceden­ted natural disaster.

How then can you even think about nominating Bridenstin­e? Being a former Navy pilot doesn’t make him an astronaut anymore than having once served as director of Tulsa’s Air and Space Museum makes him an expert on space, no matter how many papers he’s written.

This is a guy who demanded that President Obama apologize for funding climate change research! He doesn’t believe in climatic research yet he wants to head the agency that sent humans to the moon and will one day send us to Mars due to advances in technologi­cal and atmospheri­c research?

This is a guy who has repeatedly said there is no credible evidence — in the face of credible evidence — that greenhouse gasses contribute to climate change and so opposes regulating emissions.

This is a guy that Florida senators on both sides of the aisle oppose.

Sen. Marco Rubio (of Florida, where NASA is located) even told Politico, “I just think it could be devastatin­g for the space program.”

Mr. Trump, when you met with clergy the other day, you declared today a day of prayer for the victims of Harvey. And that’s good — we need more God and less greed.

But God won’t save this planet that we’re so busy wrecking without our help. Remember that thing about how God helps those who help themselves?

Help us to help ourselves by denying the climate changedeni­er his place in space.

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Ivanka turns back on women.
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