New York Daily News

Please, Bo, it’s just time to go



BOMBASTIC BO DIETL finished a distant sixth in the mayor’s race — but he’s already eyeing his next gig, offering himself up to be Mayor de Blasio’s envoy to President Trump.

Despite — or perhaps because of — his appearance­s in two televised debates on equal footing with de Blasio and Republican challenger Nicole Malliotaki­s, and the more than $1.1 million he spent on the campaign, the ex-NYPD detective put up a dismal showing in Tuesday’s balloting — finishing with less than 1% of the vote.

He was beaten by three lesser-known third-party candidates. The only candidate he bested was one who once tried to hijack a plane at JFK Airport to go to Antarctica, Libertaria­n hopeful Aaron Commey.

“Disappoint­ed — a bit,” Dietl (photo) told the Daily News on Wednesday. “But in the end, what’s the difference if you have 10%, 15%, or 1%? In the end, you lost.”

Dietl says he’ll never again run for office, but came up with a new idea Wednesday after posting a series of tweets pledging his support for Trump.

“I stayed far away from him during the campaign for obvious reasons, because the demographi­cs of New York City hate him,” he said.

“If (de Blasio) doesn’t want to talk to the President, I would love to be his envoy to the President of the United States to try to get federal funding,” Dietl said. “I know (Trump) 35 years. I certainly can go to Washington and talk to the President, maybe play golf with the President, which I have many times.” True to form, he tweeted a parting shot at Staten Island Reform Party Chairman Frank Morano, who has been the target of his foulmouthe­d fury since the party endorsed a rival.

“I Lost last night but I’m still a multimilli­onaire your still a Fat Looser in the looser Reform party,” he wrote in a tweet he later deleted.

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