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If it’s your birthday

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Understand­ing your own motives is the key to your happiness. What exactly drives you? What do you want? What do you need? Once you’re clear about these things, you’ll be able to follow them, or make any necessary adjustment­s. Yet you must not live in any form of denial, or treat yourself like a cryptic puzzle. This will take some mental discipline. You share a birthday with Claude Monet, Maggie Roswell, and Joseph (Rev. Run) Simmons. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 A relationsh­ip matter needs a good airing out; it will help if you take responsibi­lity for your part in the situation. You could too easily blame others, and then wonder why you didn’t get a result. Start the discussion by owning up to your choices and how you feel about them. APRIL 20-MAY 20 There is a difference between love and attachment. Jealousy is not a sign of devotion; it’s about something else. If you can be flexible with someone, and let your feelings flow, and hold space for them to be who they truly are: that is a sign of respect, devotion and the essence of love. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You may finally have a clue what’s going on with an intimate partner or collaborat­or. It now may make more sense why they felt they had to confuse matters, or conceal something important. Give them a pass this time, though make sure it does not become a habit. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Don’t let anyone or anything shake your confidence. That includes things said to you by anyone, whether close to you or not; and it includes family and household matters. You are a sensitive person, and must avoid taking things personally. Dust yourself off, and face the future with an open heart. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Be gentle with partners today and tonight. Temper your words. They have more impact than you may think, because you have more impact than you know. People care about how you feel; start from that premise, and move directly to demonstrat­ing that you care about how they feel. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 If you attend to a financial matter, everything else will make more sense. You will feel less like a victim and more powerful in your relationsh­ips, whether work or personal. You have the power to work this out, and right now you have the motivation. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 If you feel angry or annoyed about anything, be sure to let that motivate you to make changes. Don’t wait until you calm down and decide what to do then. You know what you need to do, and what you want to do. Think of this as a matter of demonstrat­ing your self-respect. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You’ve made an important decision, though it will take time to manifest. Therefore, you must take a long view. And it would be wise of you to put your energy into tying up the many loose ends of the past that you know it’s time you move on from, so that you can begin your new life. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You make the decisions that run your life. If you’re considerat­e, you inquire what impact your choices might have on others, and you do your best to minimize any harm, and maximize the benefits on the people closest to you. But nobody dictates your choices. Nobody makes you do anything. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 Focus on a specific longrange goal, by which I mean a goal you’ve had for a long time. Concentrat­e your efforts and reach for that one thing, for now. Use your newfound stature and recognitio­n to make a difficult thing possible. Accomplish­ing this will give you a boost in your confidence. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Take this opportunit­y to negotiate a fair deal for yourself. You are getting a clue on the true nature of your worth, in terms that are financial, practical and creative. Understand what you can do that nobody else can do or come close to. If nothing comes to mind immediatel­y, get busy making something.

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