New York Daily News

Housing plan for armory is hit by suit


THE LEGAL AID Society sued the city Wednesday in a bid to halt the controvers­ial developmen­t project at Brooklyn’s BedfordUni­on Armory.

The plan, which will get a final vote from the City Council Thursday, would turn the Crown Heights armory into 400 apartments and a recreation center.

But the suit charges a required environmen­tal study failed to probe whether neighborho­od residents would be driven out of their homes as a result of the project.

“I am very worried about being forced out,” said Crown Heights resident Lyris Ming, one of the plaintiffs. “I’ve seen new management come into the neighborho­od in our building and push tenants out through high rent.”

The city concluded it did not have to do a detailed displaceme­nt study because the project would increase the area’s population by less than 5%, but the suit argues that conclusion was wrong.

A request for a temporary restrainin­g order on the project was denied Wednesday. The case will go to court in February.

 ??  ?? Erin Durkin Rescuers aid Juan Estella after he was pulled from duct, where he’d set one of his sneakers ablaze Wednesday at Renaissanc­e New York Midtown Hotel.
Erin Durkin Rescuers aid Juan Estella after he was pulled from duct, where he’d set one of his sneakers ablaze Wednesday at Renaissanc­e New York Midtown Hotel.

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