New York Daily News

He was no errand boy for Donald

- Jessica Schladebec­k

GEORGE Papadopoul­os’ brideto-be is roasting Trump campaign officials’ contention that he was little more than a “coffee boy.”

Simona Mangiante told ABC News that Papadopoul­os — who pleaded guilty to lying to investigat­ors in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe — was much more than the “low level volunteer” his former colleagues are now trying to paint him as.

“First of all, I would love George to learn how to make a coffee, because it’s absolutely out of his skills,” she told ABC. “George is a remarkable young man with incredible experience in the field of energy and oil policies. This experience led him to get into the campaign and to advise the President at only 28 years old.”

Mangiante, an Italian citizen, told ABC her fiancé “set up meetings all over the world” for senior campaign officials. He was also “constantly in touch with highlevel officials in the campaign — including then-Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn.

According to court records, Papadopoul­os discussed getting “dirt” on Trump’s presidenti­al rival Hillary Clinton that had been obtained by the Russians.

He’s since agreed to cooperate with the FBI in their investigat­ion into alleged Russian collusion during the campaign.

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