New York Daily News

Urgent push for kid health vote

- Denis Slattery

DEMOCRATS demanded Wednesday that their colleagues across the aisle reauthoriz­e health coverage for millions of low-income kids whose insurance is at risk of running out.

Congress missed the Sept. 30 deadline to renew the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, which provides inexpensiv­e health insurance to more than 9 million children and pregnant women.

“All of these children are our children. They’re America’s children,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said at a news conference with the Democratic Women’s Working Group.

A number of states have sent out notices to CHIP recipients warning them funds will run out as early as next month.

As a Friday government shutdown deadline loomed, Congress was looking at ways to pass a stopgap measure and boot unfinished items like CHIP into next year.

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