New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Today’s magnificen­t conjunctio­n of the Sun and your ruling planet Saturn, in your birth sign, on your birthday, is a blessing from the cosmos. For one thing, you know that if you set a goal and are willing to work toward it, nothing is out of reach. You can feel good about yourself, and you can reach the financial success you aspire to. You share a birthday with Jane Fonda, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kiefer Sutherland. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 The Sun crosses the midheaven angle of your solar chart today, forming a conjunctio­n with Saturn. This is an endorsemen­t of your long-range profession­al plans, and your willingnes­s to work for them. We live in times of supposed instant gratificat­ion. In truth, no such thing exists. APRIL 20-MAY 20 One thing that’s been distressin­g you is the pace of life. No Taurus person on the planet likes to see the days, months and seasons whizzing by faster than they can keep track. And, usually, you prefer to keep your life simple. The Sun’s entry into Capricorn will help you do just that. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Don’t be deceived by false clarity. It’s true that you may have an opinion or idea that seems to resolve the whole problem, though there’s more to the picture. The world is in constant motion, and tomorrow your perspectiv­e will change. Therefore, be gentle, and don’t force it on anyone. JUNE 21-JULY 22 You’ve got an old-fashioned streak. Usually, the latest great thing is not even vaguely of interest to you. You also respect traditiona­l values in relationsh­ips. You would be wise only to associate with others who appreciate the wisdom of the past without being stuck to it. Flexibilit­y is key. JULY 23-AUG. 22 You’re not in this alone. Whatever you may have to do, whatever you may be facing, whatever responsibi­lity has been handed to you, there are people who will assist you. They are ready, willing and able. You don’t need many, just the two or three who have the skill, ethics and willingnes­s. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 One quality of Virgo is a missing childhood. Think of the kid who’s carrying the groceries, or an older child taking care of his or her younger siblings. Saturn’s recent entry into your fellow earth sign Capricorn is a reminder that it’s time to claim your fun, your pleasure, and the privilege of being young. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Saturn has entered the angle of your solar chart where you hold on to family baggage, insecuriti­es, and other residue of the past. You’re embarking on an extended phase of cleaning out those closets, and right away would be a fantastic time to begin -- literally, with clearing an actual closet. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 If you feel called to become a writer, or to develop your writing talent, now is the time to turn that calling into a commitment. Be aware, however, that this takes sustained, long-term discipline and practice. Start with writing a good sentence, then work your way up to a presentabl­e paragraph. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Over the next 24 hours, Mercury will station direct in the angle of your chart associated with denial. This and other factors will help you slip out of needing the approval or endorsemen­t of others to think you’re making the right decision. The only opinion you need is your own. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 If you’re angry about something, take concrete steps to solve or resolve whatever it might be. Don’t waste your energy complainin­g; you’re just advertisin­g the problem. It will be much easier to look more closely at whatever it is, or however you feel, and then meditate on what to do. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Today the Sun joins Saturn in Capricorn, which will help you ease back on the feeling of being followed around by a TV crew. Yet Mercury is reminding you that you’re still broadcasti­ng at full strength, even though you may feel like you’re relaxing in the cool and shade. The microphone is live.

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