New York Daily News




1 Rope plant 5 Crazy in Chihuahua 9 Li’l comic strip guy 14 Eye part 15 Evil serpent’s home 16 Teaser ad, e.g. 17 Type of mortals? 18 Knight fight 19 Bluish-purple

flower 20 My dad’s brother’s slob state? 23 Verve 24 Fail to include 25 5-Across relative 28 “It was ___ bad dream!” 31 Prime example 33 Supplier of a tight squeeze 36 Tall flightless bird 38 “___ It To The Streets” (Doobies) 39 A person’s personal best, my boy? 44 Crude, uncouth one 45 An anthropoid primate 46 Bread variety 47 Filled with nervous excitement 50 Dance romantical­ly 53 Rested one’s legs 54 Metric unit of mass 56 Cheese of the Dutch 60 Places for my mom’s sister’s ghost? 64 Subarctic forests 66 Good thing to have at a meeting 67 Where many come clean? 68 Prefix with “most” 69 Sound heard on a farm 70 Quick hopper 71 Like all swords and razors 72 Fill completely 73 Thin wood strip


1 Organic part of soil 2 Occurrence 3 Something God provides 4 Spanish rice dish 5 ___ sleeping dog lie 6 Scandinavi­an war god 7 Large stringed instrument 8 Not late 9 Hunger 10 Some undergarme­nts 11 Preferred roommate 12 Center of scrimmages? 13 Cowboy Rogers 21 Narrow fish 22 Touch of frost 26 “Jaws” town 27 Packed tight 29 Headed up 30 Doc’s grp. 32 Sale indicator 33 Is a supporter of 34 Milo of film 35 A matter between bros 37 Place of 300 million 40 Valuable thing down and dirty 41 Faction not accepting new ideas 42 Post-___ (surgery follow-ups) 43 Never preowned 48 Coffee server for many 49 Barbecue grill sites 51 In bygone times 52 Teens and adolescent­s 55 Mass group? 57 Business as ___ 58 TV’s Mrs. Barone 59 Plus column thing 61 Novelist James 62 Little impression 63 Cod relative 64 Trash bag securer 65 It makes connection­s

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