New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Today’s glorious alignment between Venus and the Sun in your birth sign will help you attract just the experience­s you need for growth, happiness and success. Yet you must remember the growth element, because all else hinges on it. And the phrase noblesse oblige comes to mind: of those to whom much is given, much is expected. Use your privileges wisely. You share a birthday with Elvis Presley, Shirley Bassey, and Stephen Hawking. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Pay special attention to contractua­l matters, the details of a financial move and anything related to taxes. You can make this whole situation work beautifull­y to your advantage, if you study the entire picture and use all your knowledge. Be patient, plan your moves, and don’t move in a lurch. APRIL 20-MAY 20 This is a profound time of spiritual growth for you, and your relationsh­ips are harmonizin­g with your inner experience. Learning is the discovery that something is possible. Anything you discover will change your life in some way — at the moment, in a way much greater than you may imagine. MAY 21-JUNE 20 A transactio­n of some kind is happening now, and you stand to gain considerab­ly if only you’ll pay attention and get your share of the rewards. Your contributi­on is more significan­t than you may think, so don’t sell yourself short. Know your value and get your percentage. JUNE 21-JULY 22 Your solar chart is describing one of the most passionate, intimate times in many seasons. You’ll connect if you want to. Or you can, if you avoid those who take a chilly approach, or who think that one date implies a 10-year commitment. Stick to people who want to have fun. JULY 23-AUG. 22 If you need to make any adjustment­s to your life, such as getting your health into balance, or your work situation aligned with your personal needs, now’s the time to do it. You can change anything you need to change. Take care of important necessitie­s first, and desires second. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 It’s vitally important to talk to your kids about sex. This discussion should begin before they’re old enough to think they know it all, though that’s not always possible. Set the example of honesty and integrity where this crucial matter is concerned -among friends, family and lovers. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You may feel like you’re at the mercy of forces outside yourself, though this isn’t true. Beware of the illusion that it is, and don’t accept false evidence. You are the one making the decisions in your own life, and you’re again reminded to focus on your independen­ce, both financial and emotional. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Everything is coming into focus, particular­ly your excellent skill at expressing yourself. If you’re involved in anything that requires mastery of language, particular­ly written but also spoken, reach for your skills, add some thought and effort, and you will produce something brilliant. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Your chart reveals your ability to be a practical visionary. You need the vision, which includes plenty of motivation — and the pragmatic plan to make it happen. That means thinking in specifics: in particular, breaking down the steps along the way to your chosen destinatio­n. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You may notice how your thoughts and feelings manifest, in the style of instant karma. This will remind you to keep your outlook positive, and to keep your life moving forward. You influence people more than you know, with your ideas and your actions. Your positive vibes will come back to you. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 This week arrives with some of the most interestin­g astrology in ages. In contrast to the scattered, chaotic alignments of the past six months, you’re in a position to engage life with your whole being. Stick close to the people who are the most supportive and encouragin­g. You don’t need to persuade.

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