New York Daily News

Question the question


The U.S. Census is as close to a sacred trust as we have in America, ensuring that every woman, man and child gets counted every decade to ensure proportion­ate representa­tion as prescribed in the Constituti­on. Or just another political plaything, in the book of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. He insists on adding a question ascertaini­ng citizenshi­p to the upcoming 2020 Census, putting the reliabilit­y of the whole shebang at risk while setting up his home state of New York, and every other state with large numbers of immigrants, for a drubbing.

Smaller Census surveys already ask about citizenshi­p, as they should. But not since Truman was President has the form that every household in America is legally obligated to fill out and return — the no-frills headcount that determines the distributi­on of congressio­nal districts, federal spending and more — demanded immigratio­n informatio­n.

Immigrants are known to be less likely to fill out their Census forms than citizens; undocument­ed immigrants, even less likely. Adding a question on citizenshi­p on the main-event Census even as federal immigratio­n authoritie­s step up sweeps and deportatio­ns is begging for an undercount.

Even less believable than Ross’ claim that adding a citizenshi­p question won’t change the response rate is his claim that he must add the question to provide sufficient data to enable the Department of Justice to enforce the Voting Rights Act on behalf of disenfranc­hised minorities. At his confirmati­on hearings, Attorney General Jeff Sessions swatted away the very same Voting Rights Act as “intrusive.”

If there’s disenfranc­hisement to worry about, it’ll stem straight from the Census undercount­s that will result from undocument­ed respondent­s unwilling to confess their immigratio­n status to the federal government.

Most of the nation’s estimated 11 million undocument­ed immigrants live in cities — none more than the 1.2 million in ours. The lower the Census count, the fewer the Congressio­nal districts, the lower the federal funding for schools and housing and more.

The statistici­an’s pencil, weaponized.

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