New York Daily News

Retail clinics would spell disaster for community medical homes


Patient access to quality and timely physician care could get even worse if big box store chains are permitted to open medical clinics, as proposed in the New York State Budget.

New York doctors already face an untenable economic squeeze between rising practice costs—led by our notoriousl­y high malpractic­e costs—and a continued squeeze in payments by health insurers, particular­ly for primary care services.

Exacerbati­ng these challenges is the de facto requiremen­t that a medical practice invest tens of thousands of dollars for electronic record systems to better manage patient care.

These factors have forced more and more physicians into closing their community practices and joining large health systems to be able to continue to deliver care. In fact, a recent Avalere study reported the number of physicians who have become hospital employees in New York nearly doubled from 2012-2015. The loss of independen­t practice for physicians may sever many long-time patient relationsh­ips, as an employment arrangemen­t may bring with it a change in practice patterns dictated by the employer.

It is hard to overestima­te the pivotal role that community primary care and pediatric practices play in managing patient health, either managing chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and hypertensi­on, or slowing the progressio­n of these diseases to prevent avoidable hospitaliz­ations. Primary care physicians also coordinate the patient’s care through referrals to needed specialty care physicians, administer immunizati­ons, and remind patients to take their medication­s and schedule follow-up care.

Simply put, primary physicians are the patient’s “medical home,” a place for patients to trust and depend on for their well-being. Yet the retail clinic proposal would jeopardize these medical homes for many patients. Far from complement­ing the delivery of care, as they claim, the medical community is very concerned that this proposal will produce an explosion of these big-box, store-owned clinics that will drive more primary care physicians out of practices.

These concerns are exacerbate­d by the proposed acquisitio­n of health insurer giant Aetna by drug store and drug benefit manager CVS Health. If the merger is approved, it could push the merged entity to selectivel­y contract with these Minute Clinics at the expense of community medical practices.

Coincident­ally, of course, these locations will be where patients can have their prescripti­on medication­s filled. While such care sites have existed in retail stores in New York, there was always an important distinctio­n that assured that the physician, nurse practition­er, or physician assistant providing care not be directly employed by the corporatio­n. The practition­er pays rent for the space.

This arrangemen­t, which protects the independen­t decision-making of the health care profession­al against corporate interferen­ce, works perfectly fine in many regions of the state.

However, legislativ­e proposals would break down these walls, enabling the corporatio­n to directly employ health care providers to deliver services to the public, breaking a long-standing New York State tradition of prohibitin­g corporate practice of medical care delivery.

The accumulati­on of power in our health care system across the pharmaceut­ical and medical delivery sectors will be harmful for our patients. The New York State Legislatur­e must step up to prevent this proposal from going forward.

— Charles Rothberg, MD, is Immediate Past President of the Medical Society of

the State of New York

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