New York Daily News

Andy seeks ‘hire’ bar for employers

- Glenn Blain

ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled legislatio­n that would bar New York employers from asking about a prospectiv­e employee’s salary history.

Cuomo said the legislatio­n, which was announced on Equal Pay Day, was intended to address the pay gap that exists between men and women.

“The gender pay gap exists across the economic spectrum, across all industries, and can follow women throughout their entire careers,” Cuomo said. “By banning salary history, we can break the weight of this unfair, unequal cycle.”

Cuomo boasted that New York already has the narrowest wage gap in the nation, with women, on average, earning about 89 cents to a man’s dollar.

A spokesman for The Business Council of New York State said they were reviewing Cuomo’s proposal, but noted that the group has opposed similar legislatio­n in the past, arguing, among other things, that New York already has strong legal protection­s against wage discrimina­tion.

New York City passed a law similar to the proposed bill last year.

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