New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


MYou’re in a time of resolving old business and setting aside old ideas, so that you may venture into wild new territory. Yet wrapping up what is old is essential, so that you have the free time, bandwidth and other resources to fully embrace the future. It will take all of your attention, and you will thrive by offering it to the cause of your own life. You share a birthday with Anne Sullivan, Julie Christie and Peter Capaldi. MAY 21-JUNE 20 You seem unsure whether to choose your introverte­d side or your extroverte­d one. What you can do is combine them, and say and reveal what you might never otherwise. Take the quiet side of your personalit­y and bring it right through and out the bold and brash one. JUNE 21-JULY 22 There’s no simple way to sum up what an exciting and even outrageous time this is for you profession­ally. There are many variables: surprises coming up every day, and no making sense of anything — except, somehow, it all makes sense anyway. Just remember that if things seem overwhelmi­ng. JULY 23-AUG. 22 What you believe matters. Don’t just accept anything into your mind. Question it a few different ways and a few different times. The truth matters. Don’t simply acquiesce to what seems like it might be cool or is the trendy thing to go along with. You are an individual, and you know it. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 You’re about to find a solution to a financial or other partnershi­p problem that may have been vexing you for weeks. It seems like longer, too, but the present scenario dates back about three weeks. Be ready for the solution when it comes. You will recognize it because nobody will have to compromise. SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You prefer your relationsh­ips to be neat and tidy, and at the moment they are nothing of the kind. In fact, there’s something of a carnival atmosphere, with clowns juggling torches and chainsaws. You might try to downgrade the whole thing a little to a romantic night out dancing. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Do some projects that matter to you this weekend. Not that work is unimportan­t; actually, you give it too much emphasis. Also, I don’t mean home improvemen­t, unless that’s your passion. By projects, I mean the thing that you want to do the very most, till all hours of the morning. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 You’re in the middle of a creative outburst, or you can be if you want. So flip on the amp, break out the paints or put on your tap shoes and get ready to keep the neighbors up. If you don’t consider yourself the creative type, indulge yourself in all of the art and music you can get. DEC. 22-JAN. 19 You are going through some kind of deep transforma­tion and rebirth. If you’re wondering what is going on, look at how your relationsh­ip to your family is changing. Or rather, how it changed long ago, and you’re finally catching up now — or it will, suddenly, and very soon. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 This time in your life is one of major self-discovery, though you’ve only just begun. As of this particular moment, you may feel like you’re backed up against some great unknown, though it’s as much an internal frontier as it is anything else. Surely some revelation is at hand. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 You are starting to collect yourself again. Whatever you’ve been through the past week or so, you can be sure you’re about to experience something else. Do everything you can to guide yourself in a positive direction. It will be easier now to rise above your concerns and feel good about yourself.

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