New York Daily News

‘Sunlight’ on NYPD spending


THE SUN IS now shining more brightly on how the NYPD has spent more than $42 billion since 2010.

The expenses, including more than $2 billion in NYPD contracts during the same time period, had been shrouded in secrecy on CheckbookN­, the website run by the city controller’s office.

The Daily News reported last year the NYPD had categorize­d most expenses as PRIVACY/SECURITY, with vendor informatio­n withheld from public view.

Critics said the secrecy potentiall­y allowed for funny business in how the contracts were awarded — and to whom.

Even petty cash expenses — such as the purchase of toilet paper — were not fully explained, including a $3.88 outlay that was listed as a security matter, but that turned out to be a medical shot for Mentos, a police dog.

The NYPD later conceded vendor informatio­n should be provided, as long as it did not compromise security.

Under terms of the new rules, Checkbook now has new informatio­n for 7,857 contracts involving 4,912 vendors.

“Sunlight matters,” Controller Scott Stringer said, “and this is an important step for transparen­cy for our city.”

Police Commission­er James O'Neill agreed, saying it’s important for citizens to “understand how all public agencies are spending their money on contract services and vendors.”

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