New York Daily News

A deal to strike on evaluating teachers

- BY DAVID BLOOMFIELD Bloomfield is professor of educationa­l leadership, law and policy at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center.

There’s rarely much progress on education policy in the state Legislatur­e. The Republican-led state Senate tends to support charter schools and lament the quality of traditiona­l public schools. The Assembly, with its Democratic majority, is friendly to teacher unions and regularly seeks to increase school aid.

Gov. Cuomo typically has a foot in both camps.

In 2015, during the height of the school accountabi­lity movement and at the urging of Cuomo, both sides came together to pass a strong teacher accountabi­lity measure tying teacher evaluation­s to students’ standardiz­ed test scores.

But because of opposition to the rollout of the Common Core standards and the new law’s unpopulari­ty with teachers and parents, the tide turned against testbased accountabi­lity. As a result, with bipartisan agreement and Cuomo on board, the use of test scores alone for high-stakes decisions was temporaril­y suspended by the state Education Department, effectivel­y nullifying the law.

That suspension period is running out. So, with the governor’s election-year agreement, the Assembly recently passed a bill to let districts opt out of the testing regime, allowing them to substitute their own teacher assessment­s for state exams. Predictabl­y, Senate leader John Flanagan raised concerns, stalling further action.

This disagreeme­nt threatens to derail needed reform of the testbased evaluation law with no obvious way out.

But an opportunit­y for resolution exists through a grand bargain: liberalizi­ng test-based teacher evaluation­s as Democrats want, while attracting Republican votes through teacher tenure reform, ending the indefensib­le ability of a few bad apples to hang onto their paychecks.

There are all sorts of problems with tying teacher evaluation­s to test scores. Some subjects aren’t tested. The exams are multidisci­plinary, which means, for example, math scores may not reflect computatio­nal ability but poor reading of word problems. Then there are issues of student stress, test prep, loss of instructio­nal time through overtestin­g, and nonuniform student enrollment.

And linking test results to teacher ratings will create perverse incentives for good educators to try to avoid weaker classes.

What simplistic­ally seems like a causal straight line — good teaching resulting in higher scores — turns out to a disastrous mix of false assumption­s and unintended consequenc­es.

But this doesn’t mean our hands are tied when it comes to rooting out bad teachers. We can do it if we finally target aspects of tenure, which broadly protects public-school educators from being summarily fired.

The first reaction from teacher unionists on tenure reform will be “never!” But there are rational changes to current protection­s that can maintain necessary due process while rooting out those who create widespread public suspicion of the profession and undercut able colleagues’ hard work.

Tenure is an important shield for teachers to protect against instructio­nal interferen­ce. It should not be a procedural sword to vanquish responsibl­e supervisio­n.

For example, it is illogical for districts to pay the salaries of tenured teachers who lose their certificat­ion, but are still entitled to separate, redundant terminatio­n procedures. Existing common-sense provisions for expedited hearings when teachers get two or more consecutiv­e ineffectiv­e ratings could be extended to all proceeding­s seeking to dismiss tenured teachers.

Districts’ duty to provide years of excessivel­y documented, timeconsum­ing remediatio­n to demonstrab­ly incompeten­t teachers delays proceeding­s and unfairly shifts the burden for improvemen­t to already busy principals, diverting them from other school responsibi­lities while inept instructor­s continue to undermine children’s education.

These provisions, often resulting in six-figure district legal fees and settlement costs, give undue aid to undeservin­g educators, burdening all members of the school community, including and especially students.

Compromise is never easy. Opposition will come from left and right. But our debilitati­ng overemphas­is on standardiz­ed testing has widespread negative consequenc­es. Similarly, the overwhelmi­ng difficulty of removing the small percentage of poor teachers impoverish­es education for all. Tackle both.

Attack tenure; forget test scores

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