New York Daily News

Green-light speed cameras


Just as a police car on the shoulder slows speedsters, speed cameras that snap photos make leadfooted drivers hit the brakes. They’re lifesavers, especially at schools. Flashing warning light: The 140 city schools so protected will lose the safety shields on July 1 unless our political overlords reauthoriz­e them. Albany controls our streets because Albany controls everything. We are dependent on their whims — all too often, the whims of one man, Brooklyn state Sen. Simcha Felder, the linchpin of the GOP’s grip on the chamber. And Felder’s priority at the moment isn’t cameras, but having an armed guard at every school.

Having won Albany’s OK for cameras at 20 schools in 2013, they expanded to 140 in 2014. The cameras only work during school hours and there has been a measurable decline in crashes where used. Albany should add another 150. Don’t dare let them lapse.

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