New York Daily News

Pardon the comparison


The President was at it again. He blasted unfair, “one-sided” media coverage that “ignored gaping facts.” And said he was the victim of a runaway, politicall­y motivated federal investigat­ion. Another President Trump tweetstorm? Yes, but we’ll get to that in a moment. The above quotes are actually from the 42nd President, Bill Clinton, answering questions on the “Today” show about his affair with then-intern Monica Lewinsky in light of America’s extended #MeToo moment.

Clinton, of course, was impeached — on perjury and obstructio­n of justice charges. He never dared entertain inoculatin­g himself from criminal charges.

There, the 45th President has him beat. Monday, Trump tweeted, “I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong?”

An absolute right that, with any sane Congress, would put him on the express train to impeachmen­t for essentiall­y admitting guilt.

With the pitifully pliant Congress we have, it’s anything goes.

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