New York Post

JFK, LAX ‘gun link’ eyed

- Philip Messing

Authoritie­s in New York and Los Angeles are checking whether recent false gunman scares at JFK and Los Angeles Internatio­nal airports were attempts to see how authoritie­s respond to such situations, sources told The Post.

No evidentiar­y link between the Aug. 14 incident at Kennedy and Sunday’s chaos at LAX has been establishe­d, but the similariti­es between the two cases are stark enough for officials to suspect someone may be looking for security weaknesses, a law-enforcemen­t source told The Post. In both airports, passengers rushed past Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion screeners and “self-evacuated” onto tarmacs near aircraft.

The JFK incident has been blamed on a loud Olympics celebratio­n, and the LAX scare to a man in a Zorro costume.

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