New York Post



If you drive a car in my state, liability insurance is mandatory. When I watch my club’s penny game, I often think some of the players need insurance to cover their losses. Even players with years of experience can have lapses and suffer “accidents” at the table.

In today’s deal, South became declarer at a routine-looking four spades, and West led a heart. East took the ace and returned a heart, and declarer won and next led a club to dummy to return a trump, finessing with his jack. DOWN ONE West took the queen and led another heart, and East ruffed. West still had the ace of trumps to wreck the contract.

“Too bad you can’t file a claim for that one,” North said gloomily.

South had an avoidable accident. After he wins the second heart, he must take the ace of diamonds, lead a club to dummy and discard his last high heart on the king of diamonds. South can then afford to lead a trump. He loses two trump tricks to West, but only the ace of hearts besides.

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