New York Post

Gov’s Spending Addiction Is Driving Out NY Taxpayers


Unfortunat­ely for taxand-spend left-wingers, you can’t build walls around states to keep taxpayers from fleeing (“Cuomo’s $moke and Mirrors,” Editorial, Feb. 7).

It’s well past time for politician­s like Gov. Cuomo to realize that the money people earn belongs to them and not the state. And that taxpayers will go where they’re treated best. I fear these lessons will never be learned. Lou Hock Holbrook

According to the state of California Web site, its proposed budget is $190.3 billion. By comparison, the proposed budget for New York is $168 billion.

California has about double the population of New York. If New York spent like California, its budget would be about $95 billion, based on population.

In other words, the cost to taxpayers for New York’s dysfunctio­nal spending is about $73 billion, and no one is doing anything about it.

How can Cuomo base a presidenti­al run on charging taxpayers $73 billion more than he should? Peter Feinman Port Chester

When the new brackets and tax credits for children are considered, it’s likely that very few New Yorkers will actually see a tax increase.

The few that will see an increase are in the uppermost income levels. They’re usually politicall­y liberal, so I’m sure they don’t mind spreading the wealth.

Those who do mind will probably leave the state. The solution would be to cut taxes (New York has the highest taxes in the country) and do away with all the government giveaways that brought us to that point. Bill Isler Floral Park

I was very pleased with President Trump’s tax plan. I knew it would be beneficial for the country and ignite our economy.

I also knew it was going to hit some people in New York. But I figured within two election cycles, the people of New York would start voting with common sense for officials who would cut spending.

Cuomo is pushing legislatio­n to give free college tuition to illegal immigrants.

His idea is to steal tax dollars from us, and act like it’s Trump’s fault. Christine Fennes West Hempstead

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Gov. Cuomo

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