Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- BILLY GRAHAM Write to Billy Graham in care of Billy Graham Evangelist­ic Associatio­n, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C. 28201 or visit the website at billygraha­

DEAR REV. GRAHAM: Does God ever change His mind? I seem to remember reading somewhere in the Bible that He can change His mind. But this worries me, because He might change His mind about letting me into heaven.

— Z.McR.

DEAR Z.McR.: No, God does not change His mind. God never goes back on His promises or tells us something one day and something different the next. Unlike us, God always can be trusted to keep His Word. God, the Bible says, “does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind.” (1 Samuel 15:29)

God does, however, give us choices in life — and those choices have consequenc­es. If we choose (for example) to leave God out of our lives, we can only expect to experience what God has already promised: heartache, turmoil, and judgment. If, on the other hand, we repent of our disobedien­ce and turn in faith to Christ, God has already promised us peace and hope and salvation. God hasn’t changed His mind; He is only responding to the choices we’ve made.

I think of King Hezekiah in the Old Testament. He was one of the best kings the people ever had — but the Bible tells us that toward the end of his life he became proud and ignored God. As a result God judged him for his disobedien­ce, and sent troubles on him and his people. But then Hezekiah repented of his pride, and God blessed him. (See 2 Chronicles 32:24-26.) God wasn’t changing His mind; He was instead fulfilling His promises.

Don’t doubt God’s promise to save you if you’re truly trusting Christ for your salvation. Make sure of your commitment to Jesus. Then thank Him for His promise that “whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” (John 6:37)

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