Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Bank of America picks Dublin for EU hub


Bank of America Corp. has picked Dublin to locate its main European Union hub in preparatio­n for Britain quitting the bloc in 2019.

The bank will move some jobs from London to the Irish capital and other cities across the region, the bank said in a statement Friday. Bank of America already has a fully licensed operation in Dublin.

London has flourished as a hub for global finance in part because firms based in the capital have the right to do business across the 28-nation EU. After the British exit, British banks as well as London-based firms from the U.S., Japan and other non-EU countries stand to lose this “passport” and may need to channel their business through units based in the bloc.

Dublin is a popular destinatio­n — along with Frankfurt — for financial-services companies seeking uninterrup­ted EU access. Dublin provides a low-tax English-speaking location and shares similar laws and regulation­s to its U.K. neighbor.

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