Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Haven’t seen the last of it


The tableau of misery inside a tractor-trailer packed with undocument­ed immigrants at a Walmart parking lot in San Antonio last weekend was beyond horrific. At one point, before dozens of the migrants were offloaded by human trafficker­s, more than 100 people were crammed into the trailer’s lightless, nearly airless interior, baking in the south Texas summer heat and taking turns to suck air through a hole in the vehicle’s side. By the time police were summoned, early Sunday, eight people lay dead inside the trailer; two more died in the hospital in the ensuing 24 hours.

It is to be hoped that state and federal authoritie­s will sweep up the trafficker­s responsibl­e for this outrage in San Antonio and that sentences will be harsh.

The magnetic pull of the U.S. economy and its demand for low-wage, low-skilled labor has for decades attracted poverty-stricken workers from south of the border willing to take inordinate risks and enter into bargains with unscrupulo­us smugglers.

The Trump administra­tion, so far at least, has managed to drive down the number of illegal border crossers, partly by toughening actual enforcemen­t but mainly by jawboning—establishi­ng an inhospitab­le political environmen­t.

But not all have been or will be dissuaded.

Without an overhaul of the nation’s dysfunctio­nal immigratio­n laws, don’t expect illegal immigratio­n or human traffickin­g or further terrible tragedies to end anytime soon.

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