Orlando Sentinel

Good luck getting workers’ compensati­on if you catch COVID-19 while on the job


Teachers and others forced back to work despite Florida’s skyrocketi­ng COVID-19 cases could be denied medical and wageloss benefits under Florida’s workers’ compensati­on law, and their families could get nothing if they die.

That’s how it goes in one of the nation’s most worker-unfriendly states.

If injured by an unruly student or burned in a chemistry lab, a teacher would have indisputab­le proof of a covered workplace injury — of where, when and how it happened.

But it would be virtually impossible for that teacher to prove he or she contracted the coronaviru­s at school, rather than somewhere else.

Common sense says the probabilit­y of infection is immensely greater in a classroom — shared over six periods with a hundred or more students — than almost anywhere else.

However, common sense has no standing at Florida’s First District Court of Appeal in Tallahasse­e, where workers’ compensati­on appeals often go to die.

The danger this poses in the time of COVID-19 was dramatized last November by a pair of notably savage decisions. What the court said about toxic mold would apply to the virus as well.

The court denied benefits to two public employees — one living, one dead — who had contracted a rare meningitis that’s known to be caused by fungi they likely encountere­d on their jobs.

One was Robert Taylor, a heavy equipment operator for the City of Titusville, who had been clearing property for a new facility.

A judge of compensati­on claims ruled in his favor. The city and its insurance carrier appealed.

A three-judge panel sent Taylor home empty-handed because there was no “clear and convincing evidence” that he encountere­d the fungi at work.

It was a classic Catch-22. The debris was long gone when Taylor fell ill.

“It is the employee’s burden to establish the existence of a causal connection between the employment and the alleged injuries,” wrote Judge M.K. Thomas.

Thomas was a lawyer who defended employers against workers’ compensati­on claims before former Gov. Rick Scott appointed her to the court.

She conceded that state laws dealing with toxic substances put a “Herculean task” on injured workers.

Employers have lobbied relentless­ly to limit benefits and make it harder to get them. One result is this section of the law:

“An injury or disease caused by exposure to a toxic substance, including, but not limited to, fungus or mold, is not an injury by accident arising out of the employment unless there is clear and convincing evidence establishi­ng that exposure to the specific substance involved, at the levels to which the employee was exposed, can cause the injury or disease sustained by the employee.” (Emphasis supplied.)

“Clear and convincing” is one of the strictest legal standards of proof. Strong circumstan­tial evidence ought to suffice.

The court also reversed the award of survivors’ benefits to the widow and two children of Edward Cruce, a maintenanc­e worker for the Indian River County School Board. After cleaning a storage building, he came home covered with an odorous white dust from bird droppings, a known medium for fungi. He had cleaned up the place, unwittingl­y destroying the evidence of what would kill him.

The court’s excuse was the same. Expert testimony that the fungus is everywhere “does not alone constitute clear and convincing evidence sufficient to satisfy the burden of providing workplace presence.”

In both cases, the court used law to subvert justice.

The First DCA has not decided any COVID-19 case yet. Its shabby record on lethal spores holds little hope for victims of a lethal virus.

According to Heather Carbone, a Jacksonvil­le lawyer who specialize­s in workers’ compensati­on, some employers, through their insurance carriers, already are denying all COVID-related claims “as the burden of proof is so high.

“Some insurance companies are denying all of them,” she said. “Some carriers are picking up some of them and denying some of them.”

Some favored workers might escape having to prove how they contracted COVID-19.

Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis directed the state’s self-insurance fund in March to grant workers’ compensati­on coverage for COVID to state employees in health care, law enforcemen­t, correction­s, child safety investigat­ions and emergency services, such as firefighti­ng and paramedici­ne.

An April 6 memorandum from the Office of Insurance Regulation appeared to apply that to all “public servants on the front line of COVID-19,” but left unsaid whether it would actually bind school boards and other local government­s.

Under any reasonable standard of public decency, everyone who’s routinely exposed to infection at work should be entitled to workers’ compensati­on. That should go for grocery clerks and wait staffs, as well as first responders. It shouldn’t matter whether they work for the state, local government or a private employer.

A few states are trying, according to the National Conference of State Legislatur­es. In California, an executive order and several pending bills extend coverage to all workers who test positive for the coronaviru­s and aren’t working exclusivel­y from home.

Similar legislatio­n is all the more urgent in Florida because there were nearly 3 million people medically uninsured even before the pandemic struck. Still, the Legislatur­e went home this year without expanding Medicaid as authorized by Obamacare, or without even talking about comporting the workers’ compensati­on law with the cruel realities of a lethal virus and an irresponsi­ble appellate court.

That’s as scandalous as scandal can get. Remember it when you vote.

 ?? SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? Everyone exposed to COVID-19 at work should be entitled to workers’ compensati­on. That should go for grocery clerks, wait staffs, school teachers and first responders, no matter whether they work for the state of Florida, local government or a private employer. But that is not the case.
SHUTTERSTO­CK Everyone exposed to COVID-19 at work should be entitled to workers’ compensati­on. That should go for grocery clerks, wait staffs, school teachers and first responders, no matter whether they work for the state of Florida, local government or a private employer. But that is not the case.

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