Oroville Mercury-Register

The real experts on voter fraud


Last week, Republican operatives Jack Burkmen, of Virginia, and Jacob Wohl, of California, allegedly sent robocalls to greater than 12,000 people in the area of Detroit, Michigan. The calls told voters to be wary about voting by mail because their personal informatio­n could be used by law enforcemen­t to track down persons with outstandin­g warrants, credit card companies to go after those with delinquent accounts and to place names on mandatory vaccine lists. Of course this was designed to discourage voting by people in heavily Democratic districts. The impact of this is not hard to see, since Trump won Michigan by around 11,000 votes in 2016. It is also possible that they did this in New York, Pennsylvan­ia, Ohio and Illinois, two of which are battlegrou­nd states.

These two Republican operatives have been responsibl­e for publishing false accusation­s of sexual misconduct about Robert Mueller, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and even Dr. Fauci. Michigan is seeking extraditio­n of them for election tampering on the robocall matters. They can and should spend 24 years in jail if found guilty.

As I indicated in a letter to the E-R published back on June 3, 2020, the only case of fraud involving mail-in ballots my Google search yielded was a 2019 Congressio­nal race where Republican operatives collected absentee ballots offering to turn them in, but illegally tampered with them.

As I said then, the only voter fraud involving mail-in ballots, is the fraud created by Republican­s themselves.

— Al Lenzi, Chico

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