
Star Laws


Thirty Flights of Loving developer Brendon Chung took a break from making Quadrilate­ral Cowboy to participat­e in the Space Cowboy gamejam. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a competitio­n to make the most Firefly of games. Chung’s entry, Expat, fits the bill perfectly. You’re a lone bounty hunter, searching backwater planets to find your target.

Select a bounty and you’re given a list of former associates. Text them for clues to potential hideouts. Armed with a last known address, you can search the local bars and shops until you stumble on your quarry’s position. At this point, a shootout begins. It’s rendered simply: stay within your target’s radius to chip away at their health, avoid their bullets and hope they don’t come across an abandoned ship. If they do escape, there’s a small window in which to disable their craft.

More valuable targets are harder to take down, but there’s also a social aspect to the game. Spending time and buying drinks at the galaxy’s spacebar will unlock new contacts, who can be called in to help you catch those tougher enemies. PS


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