10,000 An d You

Freeware Featuring more screens than a CCTV room

- DOWNLOAD AT www.bit.ly/10000AndYo­u

There’s a big problem with split-screen multiplaye­r games: it’s all too easy to glimpse your fellow players’ screens, gaining the upper hand based on that purloined visual informatio­n. Of course, if everyone’s cheating then the playing field is leveled, more or less, but surely there’s a way to eradicate the problem altogether? Enter 10,000 AndYou, an FPS that asks players first to figure out which screen they’re supposed to be staring at. Depending on the setting, there are up to 35 screens to decipher here (and, once you’ve discovered which screen is yours, it’s usually only a few seconds until your demise). Most of those will be controlled by AI characters, but there’s still room for a couple of players to flounder about in the low-res chaos.

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