Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

More employers offering telemedici­ne benefits


Telemedici­ne is increasing­ly becoming a key health benefit in many employersp­onsored health plans.

According to the National Business Group on Health, 48 percent of surveyed employers offered telemedici­ne benefits in 2015. So far this year, that number has jumped to 74 percent.

Virtual doctor visits enable patients experienci­ng a non-urgent health issue to consult a physician via video chat using their phones, computers, smartphone­s or tablets.

Patients often use the service to treat minor medical conditions such as allergies, sinus infections, bladder infections and other conditions.

Some of the benefits of telemedici­ne include:

• Better access: Telemedici­ne enables employees who live in areas with few primary care physicians — including many rural areas — to quickly and easily consult a doctor.

• Convenienc­e: Many employees put off visiting a doctor because of their busy work/family schedules and they do not want to miss work. Because many telemedici­ne services are available 24 hours per day every day, employees can get the care they need whenever it’s convenient.

• Faster care: While patients may have to wait one or even several days for the next available appointmen­t at their physician’s office, they often can do a virtual visit to a doctor immediatel­y.

• Lower cost: According to UnitedHeal­thcare data, the average cost of a virtual visit is less than $50, while a primary care physician visit is approximat­ely $80, an urgent-care facility costs $160, and an emergency room visit is $650.

As employees increasing­ly rely on technology to make services such as banking, grocery shopping and transporta­tion more convenient, they are likewise looking to technology to make health care services more convenient. Employers can help their employees stay healthier and get convenient, cost-effective health care by including telemedici­ne as a part of their company health plan.

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