Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Honor veterans by giving them more support


According to Vice President Mike Pence, he left last Sunday’s Indianapol­is Colts game (“Pence Leaves Game After Player Protest,” Oct. 9) “because President Donald J. Trump and I will not dignify any event that disrespect­s our soldiers, our flag or our national anthem. ... I stand with President Trump, I stand with our soldiers, and I will always stand for our flag and our national anthem.”

If Mr. Pence and Mr. Trump truly stood with our soldiers, they would do a great deal more to support our woefully underfunde­d Veterans Affairs and other services for the countless military men and women who return home physically, mentally and emotionall­y scarred.

Mr. Pence’s words ring hollow. Walking out of the Colts game was just another publicity stunt on the part of our reality-TV administra­tion that does nothing to support our men and women in uniform who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for our nation! KEITH G. KONDRICH Swisshelm Park players have been making a statement by kneeling during the playing of the national anthem. If these multimilli­onaires truly want to make a statement, I suggest they use some of their money to sponsor a scout troop, a boys or girls club or something that emphasizes working together as a team.

There are school districts around the country, including Pittsburgh, that let too many children slip through the cracks. If some of these millionair­e protesters want to make an impact on their communitie­s, focus on the ones who are being left behind because of community neglect.

Pittsburgh is famous for local politician­s who use taxpayer dollars to build stadiums but ignore areas where money should be spent. The kneelers could learn something from another Pittsburgh athlete. I am sure that the Lemieux Foundation will be remembered 50 years from now, when the kneelers are forgotten. JIM CANNON Mt. Lebanon

We welcome your opinion

WPIAL. I think by now everyone following high school sports certainly knows of our season.

Really, do you need to mention every week that we have the longest losing season? Our program is struggling, and hopefully we will be able to turn things around by being assigned a new classifica­tion! CHERYL SCHRANTZ


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