Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Baseload power must include risks to health

‘Rightly valuing’


Forrest J. Remick authored a recent commentary that emphasized the importance of coal and nuclearpow­ered electricit­y generation facilities to the reliabilit­y of the U.S. power supply and to the economy in general (July 6 Perspectiv­es, “Keep Coal and Nuclear Power Online”). Few could argue with the need for reliable electricit­y.

Mr. Remick then questions the constancy of electricit­y powered by natural gas and renewables. This is a valid concern for wind and solar, much less so for natural gas. He also states that the Secretary of Energy Rick Perry is attempting to save financiall­y imperiled coal and nuclear plants. Mr. Remick concludes that the Trump administra­tion is correct to “ensure that our most important baseload sources of electricit­y are rightly valued.”

“Rightly valuing” coal and nuclear power generation, and for that matter natural gas and renewables, must not only include the benefit to consumers of electricit­y. Neither should it just include a premium for reliabilit­y. To “rightly value” electric power production must also encompass the social costs that such facilities impose on society.

Researcher­s in epidemiolo­gy, environmen­tal engineerin­g and economics have demonstrat­ed that coal-fired facilities pose a threat to human health through emissions of soot, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide. Using the approach the U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency employs to evaluate the Clean Air Act and other air pollution rules suggests that coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvan­ia and Ohio produced social costs of over 10 cents/kilowatt hour in 2016. In 2015, this figure was over 15 cents. Consider that in 2016, residentia­l consumers paid an average of just under 14 cents per kwh.

Does Mr. Remick really want coal-fired baseload power to be “rightly valued”? NICHOLAS Z. MULLER Tepper School of Business Department of Engineerin­g

and Public Policy Carnegie Mellon University


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