Porterville Recorder

Then and Now

- Sylvia J. Harral Tid-bits of Health Sylvia J. Harral, M.ED., N.C., is the Education Director Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal, Inc.

More than 200 years ago our ancestors grew weary of the way the British government was treating them.

The British were 1) trying them for pretended offenses, 3) ravaging their Coasts, burning their towns, and destroying the people’s lives, 4) taking away their most wholesome laws necessary for public good. 5) Then the British cut off their trade with all parts of the world.

Finally, our ancestors had enough. They thought of the most fundamenta­l, bottom line truths and rights they could think of. They wrote them down and signed the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce. Then they fought the British for their rights and won the battle. They fought for their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

“We cannot be denied these rights,” they said. “No one can take them taken away, because we are all created equal, and we receive these rights from our Creator.”

To secure their rights, our ancestors instituted a government. The power their government used would be given them by the agreement of the people. If their government ever acted in a way they don’t agree with, our ancestors would exercise their right to abolish their government and institute a new one. They would do to their own government what they did to the British. They wrote everything down then sacrificed their blood to make it so.

Our ancestors did all so their children could continue to live in liberty and pursue happiness … and their children’s children …. Now, it’s our turn to protect our rights.

In order to pursue happiness, we must have our health. Health is our birthright. Without it, our life hangs in the balance, and we’re bound to suffer the ravages of unpleasant symptoms. The symptoms can be grouped together and given names of diseases. To pursue a cure for a disease is to pursue happiness.

Today, we have many government agencies. They spend our tax money to protect our right to be healthy. The Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) proudly lists the guidelines they follow as they spend our tax money “protecting the public health.” The Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion (FBI) “Combats public corruption at all levels” and “combats criminal organizati­ons and enterprise­s,” while the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) “protects the interests of American consumers and promotes competitio­n.” The FTC guidelines also state they “stop unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplac­e, conduct investigat­ions, sue companies and people that violate the law and keep prices low and quality, choice of goods and services high.”

The FDA came to Portervill­e and spent 22 days at Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal. They worked together to organize the product line into “Plans of Care.” At the end of the 22 days, the FDA left with the informatio­n that created three plans of care. They were the “Primary Plan of Care” that builds the foundation of health in everyone’s body, the “Metabolic Plan of Care” that’s for all diseases and the “Cancer Plan of Care” for all cancers. Their notebook of informatio­n also contained foundation­al wording for a fourth plan that would treat a virus in the body.

A year later, on February 4, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determined this COVID-19 health emergency. Forty days later, Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal presented the fourth plan of care to a group of constituen­ts from China in an effort to reach those who were suffering.

Three days later, President Trump directed the FDA to “eliminate outdated rules and bureaucrac­y so finding a treatment for COVID-19 could greatly speed up.” Eight days later the FDA produced an Emergency Use Authorizat­ion (EUA) letter to be used for new drugs and biologics during the COVID-19 outbreak. On April 3, Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal submits a request for an Emergency Use Authorizat­ion to treat COVID-19 with the Emergency D-virus Plan of Care. Two days later they received the authorizat­ion letter from the FDA.

Then we saw signs go up in Bakersfiel­d, around town and on Highway 65 and Dr. Meis began treating people who were testing positive. He chose not to charge his COVID-19 patients, and Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal didn’t charge for the Emergency D-virus Plan of Care either. Both the company and doctor were doing everything to help our community survive the best we could. No one knew what was going to happen. At this time there were only about nine cases of COVID-19 in Portervill­e.

Twenty days later, on April 29, the FTC sent a warning letter to Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal. The FTC had found what it said was “unsubstant­iated claims and unlawful advertisin­g to treat or prevent COVID-19.” The letter said “it is unlawful to advertise that a product can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence including, when appropriat­e, well-controlled human clinical studies substantia­ting that the claims are true at the time they are made.”

At that time, Dr. Meis had treated four patients for the virus. The FTC was given his report and the FDA’S letter of authorizat­ion. Dr. Meis continued to treat patients and build the number of clinical studies regarding the treatment of this virus with the Emergency D-virus Plan of Care.

On June 11, the FBI, FDA, FTC, and DHHS, all converged in Portervill­e to investigat­e Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal, Family HELM Health Center and Dr. Meis. They were looking for “...any product or treatment that purportedl­y treats COVID-19.” They confiscate­d the advertisin­g signs, Imunstem & Aktiffvate and anything else they thought would treat the virus. They gave anyone who was involved in treating COVID-19 a subpoena to appear in court at the Fresno courthouse on July 16 for a hearing before a Grand Jury. However, on July 9, they went by themselves, had the grand jury write up the indictment that was used on July 14 to handcuff Huu Tieu, the CEO of Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal and take him to jail.

Within minutes, the attorneys demanded an emergency hearing wherein the judge looked at the case, saw through the railroad job and set Huu free with no bail. When the judge set Huu free, she offered the prosecutin­g attorney, Zachery Keller, to state a condition for Huu’s release. Keller said, “He cannot sell or give away any product.” The condition was signed as a temporary restrainin­g order.

By now, there were 133 cases at Sierra View Hospital and 23 deaths. I can’t help wonder what’s illegal unfair, deceptive, fraudulent or criminal about treating COVID-19 sufferers? What law did Dr. Meis and Golden Sunrise Nutraceuti­cal violate? Why do they deserve to be sued? If there was anything illegal or criminal going on, why didn’t the FDA shut the company down after spending 22 days with it? What’s more corrupt; giving a successful treatment to a COVID-19 sufferer or taking the treatment away?

At the last pre-trial hearing on September 11, the judge ruled in favor of Golden Sunrise again. Now, it’s up to us to take charge of our health in a whole new way. We’re writing and calling, standing up and letting our preference­s be heard. It’s a good feeling to be a part of positive change. If you chose to be a part as well, contact me.

Until then … TAKE CHARGE! … Sylvia

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