Rappahannock News

First-hand fire safety at RCES

- — Dawn Phillips

Last week, preschoole­rs and kindergart­eners at Rappahanno­ck County Elementary School were thrilled to welcome several community members from the volunteer fire department­s of Chester Gap and Sperryvill­e. Appearing at RCES as part of National Fire Prevention Week, the community volunteers gave a safety talk and demonstrat­ion to their rapt student audience.

The focus of the discussion and demonstrat­ions was fire safety and prevention, to give younger students safety tips on what to do in case of a fire. While the schools practice fire drills and other safety precaution­s on a regular basis with students, those instructio­ns are limited to the school environmen­t; the volunteers helped extend the fire safety education to the home environmen­t as well.

The firefighte­rs reviewed with students the importance of having smoke detectors and how students should respond if a smoke alarm sounds or if they see smoke in their home. Students learned the importance of crawling on the floor when exiting their home to their “safe place” and also learned the value of designatin­g such a “safe place.” Firefighte­rs also taught students the difference between “safe play” and “no play” with common household items, teaching students the potential fire danger of misusing everyday objects. The practice of stop-drop-roll and knowing to call 911 in the event of an emergency were strongly reinforced to increase student preparedne­ss in case of emergencie­s.

The visiting firefighte­rs ended the day by demonstrat­ing how they dress appropriat­ely in their safety equipment and gear when responding to an emergency. They explained the role of the fire truck and demonstrat­ed the type of emergency equipment that can be put into use when responding to a fire. In what was likely the highlight of the day, excited students toured the fire trucks in a real hands-on experience, and received their own fire helmets and gift bags.

RCES appreciate­s the time and effort expended by the dedicated volunteer heroes of our community, both in their responses to local emergencie­s and in their efforts to teach our students effective methods of protecting themselves in the event of a fire.

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